
Teach the Little Ones

Lately, I have been asked about certain things happening in our country. I decided to address these here. First, Louisiana has mandated displaying the Ten Commandments in all publicly funded classrooms. Second, Oklahoma’s State Superintendent mandated that all schools incorporate the Bible into classroom lessons and that any teacher refusing to follow the mandate would …

Don’t take the Clickbait

Today, I read an article posted online. The headline read: “Scientists say they have found a chapter of the Bible hidden under a section of text for more than a thousand years.” After reading the article and then the underlying article on which the story was based, I just had to comment here about it. …

The Power of Interpretation

Recently I preached a message which inspired some confusion and several questions. It can be difficult, at times, to make sure everything meant in a message is understood. What I was saying is the Bible, as a book, is simply unable to answer plainly every question faced in an entire human life. Part of my …